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Caci offers a viable alternative to surgery in an increasingly appearance conscious world. Caci gently helps tighten and tone sagging muscles whilst smoothing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The dual tipped probes increase the effect on the muscle producing immediate and dramatic results. The Caci treatment programme consists of a course of deeply relaxing treatment sessions, followed by a maintenance programme of just 8 to 10 Caci treatments each year.

The new CACI Synergy system combines the functionality of their two best-selling systems, the CACI Ultra and the CACI Ultimate and introduces pioneering S.P.E.D™ microcurrent LED technology, a breakthrough new advancement in microcurrent therapy.


For the first time on the market, skincare specialists are able to harness the power of LED light therapy at the same time as using microcurrent. The dual action of simultaneous LED and microcurrent energy stimulates tissue regeneration and helps in the production of collagen. The synergy of these two technologies provides more visible and longer lasting results.


The CACI Synergy offers: new S.P.E.D™ microcurrent LED technology, orbital dermabrasion, ultrasonic peeling and CACI’s unique Wrinkle Comb (a non-invasive alternative to dermal fillers).


With so many treatment options available, Melanie Jayne's Beauty & Aesthetics Clinic can now offer a complete range of anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation solutions using just one advanced treatment system. Below is the list of specialised treatments the Clinic offers, all treatments are carried out by Mel, CACI Synergy Specialist and Advanced Skin Therapist.


Synergy Non-Surgical Facial

Course of 10 (taken over 5 weeks)

Synergy Radiance Non-Surgical Facial

Synergy Radiance Jowl Lift Facial

Synergy Radiance Facial

Ultimate Skin Rejuvenation

Ultra Skin Rejuvenation

Hydratone Facial

Jowl Lift Non-Surgical Facial

Course of 10 (taken over 5 weeks)

Eye Revive

Wrinkle Revolution Facial

Lip Treatment

Acne Treatment

Scarring/Stretch Marks Treatment

CACI Synergy Gentleman's Facial

75 mins


115 mins

90 mins

60 mins

45 mins

45 mins

35 mins

30 mins

30 mins

45 mins

30 mins

20 mins

30 mins

30 mins

55 mins













£28.00 or as add on-£18.00




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CACI SCULPT is an innovative body toning system, that provides measurable inch loss as well as firmer, more defined and sculpted body contours.


The system features 20 pre-set treatment programs for slimming, toning, contouring, lymphatic drainage and cellulite, as well as targeted and customisable applications for the stomach, bust, arms, hands, legs, thighs and buttocks.


Most other body treatment systems on the market use technologies that only target the superficial connective tissue and adipose (fat) cells whereas CACI SCULPT penetrates deeper to tone and firm the underlying body muscles.




CACI SlimTone 

CACI Detox 

CACI Reshape 

CACI Well-being

CACI Muscle Relax 

CACI Anti-Cellulite 

CACI Bust Contour 

CACI Buttock Lift 

CACI Tone & Sculpt – Upper Body 

CACI Tone & Sculpt – Lower Body 

CACI Ab-Define 

CACI Electro Cellulite Massager

ECM Course of 10 (over 5 weeks)

60 mins

45 mins

45 mins

45 mins

45 mins

45 mins

30 mins

30 mins

30 mins

30 mins

30 mins

30 mins














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Immediate visible results after only 1 treatment & a 19.5cm loss to the buttock & thigh area

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Facial Treatments

RF Facial  (45 mins)

Skin tightening, anti-ageing, reduces fine lines, eye bags & double chins


RF Mini Facial  (30 mins)

Target problem areas & treat either top or bottom of the face.


Add RF To Any Other Facial (15 mins from)


1 Treatment     £55.00

5 Treatments  £250.00

(Over 3 Weeks)

1 Treatment     £45.00

5 Treatments  £210.00

(Over 3 Weeks)

1 Treatment     £20.00


Body Treatments
Fat removal, cellulite reduction, skin tightening, detoxing and lifting

30 Min Treatment

Suggested Areas -Hand, back of arms, inner thighs & knees

1 Treatment     £50.00

5 Treatments  £220.00

(Over 3 Weeks)

45 Min Treatment

Suggested Areas -Stomach, back, top of legs, hips, back of thigh or buttock

1 Treatment     £70.00

5 Treatments  £300.00

(Over 3 Weeks)

Brazilian Bum Lift  (1 hour)

Using cavitation, RF, vacuum therapy & ECM

1 Treatment     £110.00

5 Treatments  £475.00

(Over 3 Weeks)

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Dermalux LED Light Therapy

Dermalux Flex MD is clinically proven and certified in the treatment of a wide range of medical and cosmetic skin conditions, delivering unique targeted combinations of Blue 415nm, Red 633nm and Near Infrared 830nm wavelengths to promote skin health and rejuvenation, accelerate healing and resolve problem skin conditions for the face and body.


LED Phototherapy is recognised as an essential skincare treatment due to its role in the foundation of skin optimisation and good skin health. Dermalux offers unique regenerative and recovery benefits and enables more successful results with inflammatory conditions. Due to the non-invasive nature, it is safe for all skin types all year round.



Dermalux safely integrates with many procedures we offer in clinic, including resurfacing, skin needling, mesotherapy, Radio Frequency, PDO Thread Lifting and injectable treatments to supercharge cell metabolism for superior treatment results, accelerate recovery and reduce downtime by an average of 50%. It will also advance the results of more traditional facial treatments. A Dermalux Flex MD treatment can be added to any treatment in clinic for an additional cost.


The Dermalux canopy devices are the perfect Non-Contact treatment solution that can be promoted as a hygienic and hands free option for clients in line with COVID-19 social distancing guidelines.

Dermalux LED Light Therapy Facial (45 mins)

Add On To Another Treatment


Course of 6 Facials (Save 20%*must be paid on 1st facial)

Must be taken within 3 weeks

Corse of 10 Facials (Save 25%*must be paid on 1st facial)

Must be taken within 5 weeks








Needle Free Mesotherapy (RF)
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Facial Treatments

Face & Neck Treatment with Dermalux LED (1 Hour)

1 Treatment -  £80.00        Course of 6 -  £430.00

(Over 6 Weeks)

Course of 8 -  £565.00

(Over 8 Weeks)

Face & Neck Treatment with CACI Synergy & RF Mesotherapy (1 Hour 45 Min)

1 Treatment -  £125.00

Course of 6 -  £680.00

(Over 6 Weeks)

Course of 8 -  £900.00

(Over 8 Weeks)

MJ's Radiance Red Carpet Facial (2Hour 30 Min) (CACI Synergy Radiance Facial & Fusion RF Treatment) 

1 Treatment -  £165.00

Course of 5 -  £725.00

(Over 5 Weeks)


Eye Treatment with Dermalux LED (45 Min)

1 Treatment -  £50.00

Course of 6 -  £270.00

Over 6 Weeks)

Course of 8 -  £350.00

Over 8 Weeks)

Body Treatments

30 Min Treatment

Suggested Areas - Hand, back of arms and inner thighs

45 Min Treatment

Suggested Areas - Stomach, back of thigh & buttock

Back of Thigh & Buttock Treatment with ECM

1 Treatment -  £60.00

Course of 6 -  £320.00

Over 6 Weeks)

Course of 8 -  £420.00

Over 8 Weeks)

1 Treatment -  £80.00

Course of 6 -  £430.00

Over 6 Weeks)

Course of 8 -  £560.00

Over 8 Weeks)

1 Treatment -  £100.00

Course of 5 RF & 10 ECM -  £700.00

Over 5 Weeks)

Course of 10 RF & 10 ECM -  £1000.00

Over 5 Weeks)

Tel: 07955 782378

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