The Million Dollar Facial is a luxurious facial where science meets indulgence. We work your skin from the outside in. By using methods such as dermaplaning, micro-needling and an hyaluronic mask we give you instant results of a smooth and glowing complexion. This method will heavily increase the absorption of any active ingredients by 80% as opposed to 8%. We remove that non terminal hair that we can often see when applying make up, don't worry it doesn't grow back thick and dark, you WON'T grow a beard, it will only ever grow back the same as its villous hair (also known as peach fuzz). Micro needing is preformed to stimulate natural collagen and cell turn over to minimise fine lines and wrinkles and reduce scarring. Its great for acne scarring! The hyaluronic mask enables the skin to hold in moisture making skin more plump and hydrated.
A lymphatic massage is included using the amazing Million Dollar© Ice Globes to rid your skin of toxins, prevent sluggish circulation and further relax you.
By the end of your treatment your skin really will look and feel like a million dollars! It only gets better over the following weeks. For best results we recommend a course of 4-6 treatments 4-6 weeks apart. We've had some fantastic feedback from clients (see picture below) saying their skin feels and looks amazing and glowing.
What Is A Million Dollar Facial?
It is the epitome of luxury with MILLION DOLLAR© results.
lines and wrinkles
Dull /tired skin
Acne scarring
Removal of peach fuzz
Acne breakouts
All skin types
Elevated absorption levels of up to 80%.
Brighter skin.
Professional skin analysis.
Smoother skin.
Increased hydration levels with hyaluronic acid.
Flawless makeup application.
Reduces scarring.
Firmer skin.
Increases collagen production.
Removes 3 to 4 week’s worth of dead skin cells.
Thickens the epidermis over time to reduce appearance of broken capillaries.
Lymphatic drainage removes built up toxins.
Glowing, even skin tone.
Reduces pigmentation (PIH).
Instant results with ongoing benefits (over 4 weeks).
Clients can receive a Million dollar facial every 4 to 6 weeks.
As we are removing 3 to 4 weeks’ worth of dead skin cells it is very important to let the skin go through its healing cycle of 28 days.
Skin needling results depend on inflammatory response and wound healing, whilst we see an immediate result, the skin will be giving ongoing results for weeks after as it goes through the healing period.
A course of 4 to 6 is advised. One session every 4 to 6 weeks for maximum results.
This is a perfect gift for someone who's always complaining about their skin!

Fantastic Feedback from a very happy Client.
Feeling Like A Million Dollars
Dermaplane treatments take approximately 30 minutes. The area to be treated will be cleaned, and then a sterile blade will be used to gently exfoliate your skin. The removed skin cells and “peach fuzz” will be gently wiped away at the end of the procedure – revealing a fresh, vibrant skin surface.
How soon will I see the results?
Initial benefits from Dermaplane treatments are immediately apparent. However, optimal results require regular maintenance treatments. It took many years for your skin to lose its vitality, and it takes time to regenerate new cells.
Does it hurt?
Not at all. The process does not require any topical anaesthesia or painkillers.
What can I expect after my Dermaplane?
Dermaplaning is a non-invasive treatment with low risk of complications and is one of the safest skin rejuvenation procedures available. Some patients report redness or dry feeling in their skin after a treatment, but this is temporary. Very rarely the skin can be nicked. This typically heals almost on the spot – remember – most men use a blade on their faces almost every day and nick themselves regularly with no long-term effects! Typical care following your treatment includes the use of moisturizers and sunscreen and avoiding sun exposure for a few days.
When can I resume normal activities / wear make-up?
Straight away! This is the ultimate “lunch hour” procedure, and most people return to their normal activities immediately. Lipstick & eye makeup can be applied straight after the treatment, however we recommend that foundation, blusher, bronzer or anything that is applied directly onto the treated area is not used for 12-24 hours.
What are the benefits of regular Dermaplane treatments?
Regular use of Dermaplane treatments can improve or eliminate superficial skin problems. It works on all skin types and colours to produce subtle changes, creating a more even skin tone. However, it is not effective for problems such as stretch marks, keloids (an overgrowth of scar tissue at the site of a healed skin injury) reducing wrinkles, or deep acne scarring. At MJ's Beauty Clinic, we provide a number of other treatments including Million Dollar Facials, Microneedling, Fruit acid and Chemical Peels & Caci Synergy Treatments, which are far more effective in the treatment of these conditions.
Can I combine my Dermaplane with other treatments?
Absolutely! In fact, Dermaplaning is a key component of our multi-process Million Dollar Facials. Not only can you combine a Dermaplane with other treatments, you will gain maximum benefit from any additional treatments as a result of the Dermaplaning. By removing the outermost layer of the epidermis, a Dermaplane treatment then allows whatever rejuvenating treatment that follows it to have a deeper and more long-lasting effect, we highly recommend that every skin rejuvenation or wrinkle reduction treatment be preceded by a Dermaplane treatment for maximum effect, this can be added for just £30.
Schedule your next appointment for 4-6 weeks.
You can safely repeat the procedure every 4-6 weeks and the benefits of your treatment will be enhanced by regular sessions. Mel will discuss with you what’s best for your skin and recommend a skincare plan.
Microneedling - What to expect after treatment
Your skin will be pink after Microneedling.
If you look in the mirror after your treatment and find that your face is pink, don’t panic. It’s normal for your skin to be pink following a Microneedling treatment. Using a good moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated will help minimize the pinkness.
Bruising and swelling.
Be aware that the roller your clinician will use around your eyes may cause some slight bruising. It’s nothing to be worried about, and the bruising is usually faint enough to be covered up with makeup. Some people may also experience some mild swelling after Microneedling.
Rough skin and visible marks.
You may get a few lumps and bumps but this is totally normal as your skin has been through an elective trauma. After your procedure, your skin will feel and look different. It might feel rough to the touch for a few days, and you may notice some slight visible marks on your skin. Both of these effects are caused by the micro injuries created by the punctures. As your skin heals, these marks will soon fade and your skin will become smoother than it was before.
Minimal Microneedling downtime.
The inflammatory effect of Microneedling is short. Within just 12-24 hours, your skin should fade and the swelling should go down, though you may experience some sensitivity for up to 48 hours. Wash skin with a gentle cleanser and cool water, and pat dry with your hands. If you received a more aggressive treatment, the pinkness may linger a bit longer.
Stay away from Ibuprofen.
Microneedling relies on your body’s natural inflammatory process to stimulate cell regeneration, so it is highly recommended that you stay away from anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen. These medications will interfere with your body’s recovery process and affect your results. Use a cool compress to soothe any discomfort or swelling.
Peeling will start 3-5 days after treatment.
Peeling is a normal and important part of the Microneedling healing process, caused by the increased cell turnover. You can expect peeling to start within 3-5 days after your appointment. It is very important that you moisturise at least twice a day and don’t pick at or scratch your skin. Keep it well moisturised to minimize itching that might encourage scratching.
Schedule your next appointment for 4-6 weeks.
While the downtime after Microneedling is just a day or two at most, you should wait a few weeks to repeat the treatment. You can safely repeat the procedure every 4-6 weeks until you achieve your desired results. Mel (Million Dollar Platinum Technician), will advise you what’s best for your skin.
Million Dollar Facial - Pre & Post Treatment Advice
Pre Treatment Instructions
Please let your skincare specialist know if you are on any medication (topical and/or oral), have any medical conditions, or are being treated by a physician for any conditions.
Let your skincare specialist know if you have been diagnosed with cold sores/Herpes simplex virus.
No shaving, peels, waxing, or aggressive exfoliations one week prior to Dermaplaning treatments.
You should wait 14 days after receiving Botox, Dermal fillers or Laser procedures to receive Dermaplaning treatments.
The Procedure
There is no pain or discomfort during the Dermaplaning procedure. It is best to relax and allow the skincare specialist to move and manipulate your head and face.
Depending on your pain tolerance you may experience some mild discomfort during the micro needling process, although this is mainly on the MILLION DOLLAR body treatments. During the treatment your advanced practitioner will make your treatment is as comfortable as possible.
Try to remain still. There is no gum chewing allowed during the treatment and talking will be restricted by your skincare specialist at certain key times during the treatment.
Post Treatment Instructions
Fast recovery time, following treatment, you may immediately return to your normal activities.
Use a gentle cleanser and apply moisturizer at least twice daily for a minimum of 7 days post treatment.
Avoid excessive heat treatments eg sauna, steam rooms for a minimum of 3 days post treatment. Please keep out of the sun /sunbeds for 2 weeks post treatment. If you must be in the sun, apply spf 50, reapply often, wear a hat, and seek shade where possible.
Fitzpatrick skin type 4 to 6 is prone to changes in pigmentation and exposure to rays can be elevated in all skin types. Therefore, it is essential to wear spf 50 following this treatment as part of your homecare.
Avoid facial waxing for 7 days.
No scrubs, peels, or aggressive brushes for 7 days.
Do apply serums as absorption levels will be elevated.
Be sparing with self-tan, remember absorption levels are elevated.
You may experience a slight windburn sensation post treatment and skincare products may tingle slightly, this is normal for the first few days.
Does the MILLION DOLLAR© Facial treatment hurt?
Depending on your pain tolerance, you may experience mild discomfort. This is mainly on the MILLION DOLLAR body treatments. During the treatment your advanced practitioner will make your treatment is as comfortable as possible.
What age do you have to be to have the MILLION DOLLAR© Facial?
18+ is the legal age for this procedure ID will be required upon treatment.
Can you have the MILLION DOLLAR© Facial if your pregnant?
No sorry, this treatment is not suitable for pregnant clients.
What areas can the MILLION DOLLAR© treatment target?
Aside from the MILLION DOLLAR© Male facial treatment being good for collagen production in the skin, we offer
MILLION DOLLAR© Scalp treatment, micro needling can also help induce stem cells in the scalp that can lead to hair growth we would combined this with our clinic care mesotherapy cocktails range HAIR ENERGY, protects against hair loss and promotes hair growth. A course is recommended for maximum effective results.
Treatment is excellent for stretch marks, the minimally invasive micro needling technique involved a series of tiny, very fine needles that are passed over the skin, creating micro injuries which trigger new collagen and elastin synthesis as the skin begins to naturally repair itself. These micro injuries stimulate the growth of collagen, the scaffolding under the skin, which then improves the appearance of stretch marks and scars a course is recommend for maximum effective results.